Council Chambers
What is a Boardroom?
Boardrooms or State Council Rooms are designed and created for the exclusive use of Directors, CEOs, VPs, Governors, etc., which is why this type of Rooms must have a design, furniture and state-of-the-art equipment.
Generally, a Boardroom is of considerable size. These are not small meeting rooms, but rather rooms that can seat more than 12 people and can have 30 or more people sitting inside. They are characterized by having a horseshoe or oval shaped table. This design allows for placing flat screens or decorations in the center of the table, since due to the size, the Boardroom table will leave a space in the center. Since these are tables of considerable size, it is very common to need to use microphones so that all attendees can hear what the board members want to say. Generally , gooseneck microphones are used, wired or wireless , although overhead microphones are also used to allow for a cleaner table. There are gooseneck microphones that contain a voting system at their base and can be operated through a small LCD display that will send results to software so that they can be processed.
The main elements that make up this type of Boardroom are: flat screens, touch screens, tablets, touch panels, video processors, room reservation systems, speakers, microphones, simultaneous translation systems , automation and collaboration, electronic or smart glass, etc.