What is SCADA?
SCADA , Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition , is a concept used in computer software that allows industrial processes to be controlled and monitored remotely. Visually, SCADA shows images with hundreds of colored lines that connect different modules or components, usually on a black background. The Energy Sector, specifically CFE and PEMEX in our country, use SCADA software to supervise and monitor their facilities.
High resolutions are required to monitor all the information that SCADA software displays. Colored lines that intersect and cross to connect different components remain static for long periods of time, which can cause images to "burn in" or "stick" on screens. This phenomenon is known as burn in, image sticking, or temporary image retention (TIR), and is most commonly seen on plasma screens, where it is appropriate to say that the phosphor burns out. On LCD screens (even those with LED backlighting), the image retention phenomenon occurs, an effect that is counteracted by turning off the screens for a few hours a day. The most appropriate way to eliminate this retention effect on an LCD screen is to use screens that have external electronics, that is, to remove the power supplies and digital video inputs from the screen chassis, mounting them in a rack located in a site with controlled conditions.
Throughout its history, Covix Group has installed dozens of SCADA Monitoring Centers . It did so in the 1990s using rear projection technology, and was a pioneer in plasma, LCD, and LED video cube technologies, until arriving at DirectView LED , which represents the most recent technology for this application and with which image retention is completely avoided.